When I was 16, I had back surgery to alleviate a problem with a herniated disc. One never fully recovers from something like this, and one of the many charms of growing older is that these things come back to haunt.
Earlier this year, I started getting some pain in my right leg. With some stretches and exercise recommended by my favorite physical therapist, I was soon back to “normal”. However, some months later, the pain returned. Of course, if I’d get off my lazy butt and actually keep up with some kind of exercise routine, this probably wouldn’t happen at all.
Anyway, so the pain this time is much, much worse. It is reminiscent of the pain that led to my earlier surgery. Not good. I am currently only able to manage the pain until I can see a specialist (In this metro area, it can take weeks or months to see a specialist). I’m hoping that it is only temporary, since we are supposed to go to 日本 in October. I really don’t want to be in this condition for that trip.
Until then, I can only hope that the constant, irritating pain will subside, and I can start exercising to prevent this from happening again.